Drive Bender beta 2 update

It has been a busy time since the first beta was released, thanks to the testers in the interactive beta program, many bugs have been identified and sorted, not to mention some great suggestions on interface improvements, thanks all!.

Originally I had hoped to have the second beta out by now, however it was decided to release an interim version with many of the fixes and changes as reported, and to also include our next generation of Drive Bender driver. All this and the fact that a number of non Drive Bender related interruptions have happened, has meant we are not where we would like to be with regards to milestones… who would have thought such a thing could happen in software development!

Anyway we are finally back on track and are working towards an updated beta which should be available some time this week (week of the 18th).

Finally, again a big thanks to those that have been testing.

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