We now have a date for the release of Drive Bender v2 ER1. Providing all goes to plan (i.e. there are no show stopping bugs), we will be releasing the official version of ER1 on Friday the 30th of May. If you have not purchased a license at the discounted rate, you need to do so now as this discount will end the moment we post the new version.
Further exciting news… Cloud Xtender, our pooling product for the cloud, is set to see its first beta very soon. This beta will support a number of cloud services including Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft Azure and SkyDrive. If you want to be a part of the official Cloud Xtender beta team, send a support request via http://support.division-m.com. Make sure you select Cloud Xtender as the product and the request type to beta. If you want to be kept upto date with Cloud Xtender development, make sure you follow Cloud Xtender on Twitter https://twitter.com/cloudxtender
I’m very much looking forward to version 2 (I’ve been using DB since V1 was released on my WHS 2012 server). One question – is the ability to designate specific volumes for primary or duplicate copies included in the Early Release? I have 5TB of USB 2 drives on my server I would like to designate for copies, leaving my SATA and USB 3 drives for primary (and I’m delaying adding a new 4TB USB 3 drive until I have DB V2). Thank you so much for an excellent product.
It would appear that drive specific duplication didn’t make the cut for the Early Release :(. Never mind, after two installs (I wonder why?) and a reboot it is working beautifully. Thank you.